A Surprised Vicki
The Doctor and his companions, Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton and Vicki, arrive near a vast Space Museum on the planet Xeros. There they discover an all but forgotten museum established as a monument to the galactic conquests of the warlike Morok invaders who now rule the barren planet Xeros. While touring the museum, they are baffled to find that the exhibits are not as solid as they appear to be. They also discover that the Moroks and a group of youthful Xeron rebels don't seem to be able to see or hear them.
But worse is to come when The Doctor and his companions are horrified to discover the very unsettling sight of themselves as exhibits. The Doctor deduces that the TARDIS has in fact 'jumped a time track', giving them a glimpse into their own future: a future in which they end up as static exhibits in museum display cases!
As time catches up with them, The Doctor and his companions have to try to avert this potential future by altering events in the present, never sure whether the steps they are taking will lead to their demise or their salvation.
 | Vicki Tries to Explain to The Doctor |
It is not long before The Moroks find the TARDIS and now start tracking down its occupants. Within the museum the time travellers become hopelessly lost and separated from each other. They are then spotted. The Doctor is the first to be captured by the Moroks, but evades their interrogation tactics. Frustrated with The Doctor the Moroks begin the process of freezing him and turning him into an exhibit.
Meanwhile, Vicki has made contact with the native Xerons and, hearing of their enslavement, aids them in their plans to stage a revolution. They attack the Morok armoury and Vicki outwits its controlling computer. With their new weapons, the Xerons begin a revolution which slowly takes hold.
 | Vicki is Very Worried |
In an attempt to flush the remaining visitors out of the museum Barbara finds herself trapped, along with one of the Xerons, within the museum which is being filled by a gas. Fortunately she manages to find the exit to the museum before becoming overcome by the gas.
Ian has meanwhile freed The Doctor but both are quickly recaptured by the Morok guards. Vicki is also captured shortly thereafter. With all becoming prisoners of the Moroks it looks like the time track prediction of their future as museum exhibits will soon be realised after all.
However, the Xeron's revolution, which Vicki helped start, succeeds and the warlike Moraks are overthrown. The Xeron revolutionaries kill Lobos and take the other Morok captors. Then, after allowing The Doctor to take a time/space visualiser as a souvenir, the Xerons go about destroying the hated museum as the TARDIS crew slips away.
 | The Doctor is Captured by the Moroks |
As the time-travellers go on their way they are confident however, that their future has been changed and that they have avoided becoming exhibits in the Moroks museum.
But they are unaware that on the planet Skaro their departure has been noted by the Daleks…