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The Sontaran Experiment
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Tom Baker
The Sontaran Experiment
Fourth Doctor Logo


 Transmitting down from Nerva Beacon, The Doctor, Sarah and Harry find themselves on Earth in the far future, long-since abandoned by the human race. But it soon becomes clear that they are not alone: a shipwrecked crew of Galsec colonists are being hunted down, one by one.

 What is the creature that lives in the rocks, and what is the purpose of the lethal tests it is conducting? Can The Doctor ensure the safety of the Earth for the future generations of Mankind?

Source: BBC DVD

General Information

Season: Twelve
Production Code: 4B
Story Number: 77
Episode Numbers:390 - 391
Number of Episodes: 2
Percentage of Episodes Held:100%
Working Titles:"The Destructors"
Production Dates: September - October 1974
Broadcast Started: 22 February 1975
Broadcast Finished: 01 March 1975
Colour Status: Colour
Studio: None
Location: Postbridge and Hound Tor (Dartmoor National Park, Devon).
Writers:Bob Baker and Dave Martin
Director:Rodney Bennett
Producer:Philip Hinchcliffe
Script Editor:Robert Holmes
Production Assistant:Marion McDougall
Production Unit Manager:George Gallacio
Assistant Floor Manager:Russ Karel
Designer:Roger Murray-Leach
Costume Designer:Barbara Kidd
Make-Up Designer:Sylvia James
Lighting:Tommy Thomas
Visual Effects:John Friedlander and Tony Oxley
Fights Arranged By:Terry Walsh
Incidental Music:Dudley Simpson
Special Sounds (SFX Editor):Dick Mills
Studio Sounds:Vic Godrich
Title Sequence:Bernard Lodge
Title Music:Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Arranged by Delia Derbyshire
Sontarans Originally Created By: Robert Holmes
Number of Doctors: 1
The Doctor: Tom Baker (The Fourth Doctor)
Number of Companions: 2The Companions: Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) and Ian Marter (Harry Sullivan) Additional Cast: Kevin Lindsay (Styre), Glyn Jones (Krans), Donald Douglas (Vural), Peter Walshe (Erak), Peter Rutherford (Roth), Terry Walsh (Zake), Brian Ellis (Prisoner)Setting: Earth, possibly London Villain: Sontarans

The Episodes

No. Episodes Broadcast
Duration Viewers
In Archive
390Part 122 February 197524'27"11.0PAL 2" colour videotape
391Part 201 March 197525'00"10.5PAL 2" colour videotape

Total Duration 49 Minutes

Audience Appreciation

Average Viewers (Millions) 10.8
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (1998)69.92%  (Position = 70 out of 159)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2009)69.73% Lower (Position = 103 out of 200)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2014)69.48% Lower (Position = 140 out of 241)
Doctor Who Magazine Poll (2023) Position = 27 out of 41


 Both episodes exist as PAL 2" colour videotapes.

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This story sees the return of the Sontarans since their introduction in the 1973/74 Third Doctor story "The Time Warrior" and is the first of two times that the Fourth Doctor would confront them.

The original working title of the story was "The Destructors" and was changed to the current title under protest by the writers, who felt it gave the cliff-hanger away.

Although this story was the third to feature the Fourth Doctor, it was actually the second recorded, hence the out-of-sequence production code.

No part of the TARDIS appears in any portion of this story – the first time this occurs in the show - as The Doctor and his companions travel entirely by transmat beam. This was also the first story to be recorded with no interior scenes.

This was only the second story in the history of the show to be shot entirely on location. In this case seven days in the Dartmoor National Park in Devon. The major location was Hound Tor near Manaton.

However, unlike the 1970 Third Doctor story "Spearhead From Space" (the first story recorded entirely on location) the production was mounted entirely on videotape using an Outside Broadcast unit, rather than on film as was more usual for the time.

This is the only two-part Doctor Who story of the 1970's which makes it the shortest story of the 1970’s. It was the first two-part story to be broadcast since the 1965 First Doctor story "The Rescue" and the last until the 1982 Fifth Doctor story "Black Orchid".

These two episodes were initially part of a six-episode arc, but Producer Philip Hinchcliffe made the decision to split the arc into the four-part "The Ark in Space" and this two-part story. But they shared the same director and budget. To save money, Philip Hinchcliffe decided that "The Ark in Space" would be entirely filmed in the studio and "The Sontaran Experiment" would be entirely filmed on location. He also settled on the Sontarans because they could re-use the Sontaran costume from "The Time Warrior" and therefore save the expense of designing a new alien.

Kevin Lindsay originally played the Sontaran role of Linx in "The Time Warrior". He returned to play both Field Major Styre and the Sontaran Marshal. However, he found the heavy Sontaran costume difficult to manage and so could not perform the fight scene. Stand-in, Stuart Fell, was used instead. This would be Kevin Lindsay’s last major role before he died in 1975.

Terry Walsh not only played a minor role as an astronaut but doubled for the Fourth Doctor, during action sequences shot from several face-concealing angles, after Tom Baker broke his collar bone during the making of this story. Luckily because part of the Fourth Doctor’s costume was a large scarf, he could conceal the neck brace he had to wear following the injury.

Most of the actors playing the GalSec astronauts were South African. This was specified in the casting.

The GalSec astronaut Krans is played by Glyn Jones, the writer of the 1965 First Doctor story "The Space Museum".

The Sontarans are firmly established in this story as a clone race, evidenced by Sarah Jane Smith thinking that Field Major Styre is Linx from "The Time Warrior". Even though she is heard to say that they are identical they are not (Styre's face is paler, squatter and lacks bristles). Styre also has five digits on each hand rather than Linx's three. This is the only story in which the Sontarans do not possess the usual three digits upon their hands.

The main Sontaran military leadership group is known as the Grand Strategic Council. Styre uses a 'pistol' rather than the typical Sontaran wand. A terrulian diode bypass transformer is a vital part of the 'recharging' equipment used by Sontarans, allowing them to 'feed on pure energy'. Sabotage of this component proves fatal for Styre. The Sontaran robot is also powered by terrulian.

The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver is seen being used to repair the transmat spheres and to disable the robot.

The scene of the two colonists trying to lift the Sontaran gravity bar off another colonist is what drew the attention of Mary Whitehouse to the programme, she would go on to criticise the violent and horrific elements in the programme, most notably in the next story "Genesis of the Daleks" and "The Deadly Assassin".

This story forms part of a continuous series of adventures for the TARDIS crew, beginning from "Robot" and continuing through to "Terror of the Zygons".

This story was repeated on BBC One as a 48 minute omnibus in July 1976.

In October 2006 this story was released on BBC DVD as the first of their "standard edition" DVD range. This release was one of the few occasions in which a two-episode story has been released by itself.

A novelisation of this story, written by Ian Marter, was published by Target Books in November 1978. Ian Marter played Harry Sullivan in this story, making him the only Doctor Who author to have ever written adaptations of stories in which he personally appeared. The novelisation differs from the television version by having the travellers arrive in the TARDIS. The Sontaran plan also does not involve war with the Rutans but a planned conquest in alliance with another clone species.

Sarah is heard to reference the events of this story during her next encounter with the Sontarans in The Sarah Jane Adventures story "The Last Sontaran".

First and Last

The Firsts:

 The first time in a story that no part of the TARDIS appears.

 The first story to have no interior scenes.

 The first and only story in which the Sontarans do not possess the usual three digits upon their hands.

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Story Images

Show Text
By the Transmat Circle
By the Transmat Circle
Doctor Using His Sonic Screwdriver
Doctor Using His Sonic Screwdriver
The Doctor, Sarah and Harry
The Doctor, Sarah and Harry
The Robot
The Robot
Styre Conducting an Experiment
Styre Conducting an Experiment
Roth and Sarah Jane Caught by the Robot
Roth and Sarah Jane Caught by the Robot
Styre's Spaceship
Styre's Spaceship
Sarah Jane All Tied Up
Sarah Jane All Tied Up
The Doctor and Harry
The Doctor and Harry

Quote of the Story

 'Foresight. You never know when these bits and pieces will come in handy. Never throw anything away, Harry.'

The Doctor

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Release Information

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)Code NumberCover ArtRemarks
Science-Fiction Sound Effects No. 191978BBC-22316Sound Effects
Science-Fiction Sound Effects No. 191978ZCM 316Sound Effects
Genesis of the Daleks and The Sontaran ExperimentOctober 1991BBCV 4643Andrew SkilleterDouble cassette release Released along with "Genesis of the Daleks"
The Tom Baker YearsSeptember 1992BBCV 4839PhotoClip only Introduced and commented on by Tom Baker Double cassette release
30 Years at the Radiophonic Workshop1993BBC CD 871Photo-montageSound effects
The Sontaran ExperimentOctober 2006BBCDVD 1811Photo-montage
The Sontaran ExperimentMay 2008BBCDVD 1811Photo-montagePart of the"Bred for War" box set (BBCDVD 2617) along with "The Time Warrior", "The Invasion of Time" and "The Two Doctors"
The Sontaran ExperimentSeptember 2013BBCDVD 3812Photo-montagePart of "The Monster Collection - The Sontarans" boxset
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 12 (Limited Edition)June 2018BBCBD 0435Lee BindingBlu-Ray Limited Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories
Doctor Who: The Collection - Season 12 (Standard Edition)May 2021BBCBD 0526Lee BindingBlu-Ray Standard Edition boxed set containing 5 specially restored stories

In Print

FormatTitleRelease Date (UK)PublisherAuthorCover ArtRemarks
Doctor Who and the Sontaran ExperimentDecember 1978Target No. 56Ian MarterRoy KnipeISBN: 0-426-20049-7
The Scripts Tom Baker 1974/75October 2001BBC BooksRobert Holmes and John Lucarottiphoto-montageHardback. Contains an introduction by Terrance Dicks. ISBN: 0-563-53815-5
The Sontaran ExperimentJuly 2016Target No. 56Ian MarterRoy KnipeAudio version of the Target Novel read by Jon Culshaw.
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (In Vision)Issue 3 (Released: March 1988)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 133 (Released: February 1988)
Doctor Who Magazine - ArchiveIssue 237 (Released: April 1996)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 346 (Released: August 2004)
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of FictionIssue 394 (Released: April 2008)
Doctor Who Magazine - Time TeamIssue 473 (Released: June 2014)

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Photo Gallery

The Doctor and Companions

Tom Baker
The Fourth Doctor


Elisabeth Sladen
Sarah Jane Smith
Ian Marter
Harry Sullivan

On Release

Audio LP - Sound Effects No. 19
Audio LP - Sound Effects No. 19

Audio Tape - Sound Effects No. 19
Audio Tape - Sound Effects No. 19

VHS Video Cover
VHS Video Cover

Tom Baker Years VHS Video Cover
Tom Baker Years VHS Video Cover

Sound Effects CD Cover
Sound Effects CD Cover

DVD Cover
DVD Cover

DVD Box Set
DVD Box Set

The Monster Collection - The Sontarans Cover
The Monster Collection - The Sontarans Cover

The Collection Season 12 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 12 Limited Edition Blu-Ray Cover

The Collection Season 12 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover
The Collection Season 12 Standard Edition Blu-Ray Cover


In Print

Target Book Cover
Target Book Cover

BBC Script Book Cover
BBC Script Book Cover

Target Audio CD Cover
Target Audio CD Cover



Doctor Who CMS Magazine (In Vision): Issue 3
Doctor Who CMS Magazine (In Vision): Issue 3

Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 133
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 133

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 237
Doctor Who Magazine - Archive: Issue 237

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 346
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 346

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 394
Doctor Who Magazine - The Fact of Fiction: Issue 394

Marvel Comics
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 473
Doctor Who Magazine - Time Team: Issue 473

Marvel Comics

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