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Recent Changes

Item Date
Added Barber-Surgeon - Information on this enemy. 24th July 2024
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

19th July 2024

Updated Sutekh - Information on this enemy. 15th July 2024
Updated Donna Noble - Information on this companion. 15th July 2024
Updated Melanie Bush - Information on this companion. 15th July 2024
Updated Susan - Information on this companion. 15th July 2024
Updated Sarah Jane Smith - Information on this companion. 10th July 2024
Updated Wilfred Mott - Information on this companion. 10th July 2024
Updated The Toymaker - Information on this enemy. 10th July 2024
Updated The Master - Details and information on The Doctor's arch enemy. 10th July 2024
Updated Season 41 (New Series 14) story details for The Fifteenth Doctor.

1st July 2024

Added "The Legend of Ruby Sunday/Empire of Death" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

23rd June 2024

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

20th June 2024

Updated Radio Times Doctor Who Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Radio Times covers.

11th June 2024

Added "Rogue" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

9th June 2024

Added "Dot and Bubble" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

2nd June 2024

Added "73 Yards" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

26th May 2024

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

23rd May 2024

Added "Boom" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

19th May 2024

Added "The Devil's Chord" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

13th May 2024

Because of the type of information held the following pages are not included in the above listings as their content is constantly being reviewed and are therefore updated on a weekly and even sometimes daily basis:

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Older Changes

March and April 2024

Item Date
Added "Space Babies" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

13th May 2024

Updated Radio Times Doctor Who Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Radio Times covers.

30th April 2024

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

26th April 2024

Updated Season 41 (New Series 14) story details for The Fifteenth Doctor.

1st April 2024

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

29th March 2024

Added Callen Lennox - Information on this companion. 22nd March 2024
Added The Vermine - Information on these aliens. 22nd March 2024
Updated Vashta Nerada - Information on these aliens. 22nd March 2024
Updated BOSS - Information on this enemy. 22nd March 2024
Updated The Daleks - Information on these aliens. 2nd March 2024
Updated Vampires - Information on these aliens. 2nd March 2024
Updated Vardans - Information on these aliens. 2nd March 2024
Updated The Wirrn - Information on these aliens. 2nd March 2024

January and February 2024

Item Date
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

29th February 2024

Updated The Ice Warriors - Information on these aliens. 9th February 2024
Updated The Sycorax - Information on these aliens. 9th February 2024
Updated Captain Jack Harkness - Information on this companion. 9th February 2024
Updated Adam Mitchell - Information on this companion. 9th February 2024
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

1st February 2024

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details

4th January 2024

Updated "The Star Beast" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for The Fourteenth Doctor.

1st January 2024

Updated "Wild Blue Yonder" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for The Fourteenth Doctor.

1st January 2024

Updated "The Giggle" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for Fourteenth Doctor.

1st January 2024

November and December 2023

Item Date
Added "The Church on Ruby Road" - Details of this Season 41 (New Series 14) story for The Fifteenth Doctor.

27th December 2023

Added The Fifteenth Doctor.

27th December 2023

Updated Captain Mike Yates - Information on this companion. 26th December 2023
Added "The Giggle" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for Fourteenth Doctor.

10th December 2023

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

7th December 2023

Updated Radio Times Doctor Who Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Radio Times covers.

5th December 2023

Added "Wild Blue Yonder" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for The Fourteenth Doctor.

3rd December 2023

Added "The Star Beast" - Details of this Season 40 (60th Anniversary Specials) story for The Fourteenth Doctor.

27th November 2023

Updated  The Cybermen - Information on these villians. 26th November 2023
Updated The Valeyard - Information on this villian. 26th November 2023
Updated Morgraine Le Fay - Information on this villian. 26th November 2023
Updated Radio Times Doctor Who Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Radio Times covers.

21st November 2023

Added Jack Frost - Information on this enemy.

13th November 2023

Added The Porcians - Information on this enemy.

13th November 2023
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

12th November 2023

September and October 2023

Item Date

Added The Movellans - Information on this enemy.

25th October 2023

Added Lord Krarn - Information on this enemy.

25th October 2023
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

13th October 2023

Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

15th September 2023

July and August 2023

Item Date
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

18th August 2023

Updated The Daleks - Information on these aliens. 4th August 2023
Updated The Fendahl - Information on these aliens. 4th August 2023

Updated The Meddling Monk - Information on this villian.

4th August 2023
Updated Silurians and Sea Devils - Information on these aliens. 4th August 2023

Updated The Slitheen - Information on these aliens.

4th August 2023
Updated Vampires - Information on these aliens. 4th August 2023

Updated Weeping Angels - Information on these aliens.

4th August 2023

Updated WOTAN - Information on this enemy.

4th August 2023
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

21st July 2023

May and June 2023

Item Date
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

22nd June 2023

Added Hannah Bartholomew - Information on this companion.

29th May 2023

Added Doctor Robert Knox - Information on this enemy.

29th May 2023
Updated Doctor Who Magazine Covers and Details - Pictures and Details of the Doctor Who Magazine covers.

25th May 2023

Added Molly O’Sullivan - Information on this companion.

16th May 2023
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Because of the large amount of research required to complete the above items if you have or a willing to contribute, for a mention and acknowledgement within these pages, or if you have any comments then please click here.

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