New Earth hospital
Rose Tyler, after saying goodbye to her mother and boyfriend Mickey, enters the TARDIS for a new trip with the newly regenerated Doctor.
The TARDIS arrives five billion years in the future, after the death of the Earth where, as explained by The Doctor, humanity's remnants have become scattered across the stars and some have settled on a new planet called "New Earth," complete with a sprawling city called New New York.
The reason for their visit is because of a cryptic message received on The Doctor's psychic paper. This message takes The Doctor and Rose to a huge medical hospital.
 | Rose Leaving the TARDIS |
Unbeknown to them they are being monitored by an old enemy and so it is not surprising that shortly after entering the hospital The Doctor and Rose become separated.
While The Doctor discovers that the mysterious message he received is from none other than The Face of Boe, who it seems is dying, Rose on the other hand comes face-to-face with a more deadly foe – Lady Cassandra – whose brain lives on beyond the death of her skin-sheet in her last encounter with Rose and The Doctor.
 | A Sister of Plenitude |
Shocked to find Cassandra still alive Rose finds herself helpless as bioengineered protégé Chip sets up a device which releases Cassandra's energy from the brain-tank... right into Rose's body.
Unbeknown to both The Doctor and Rose there are other sinister goings on in the hospital. It seems that The Sisters of Plenitude - the caretakers of the hospital - have managed the impossible - to cure the incurable for this time zone.
Intrigued The Doctor, now reunited with who he thinks is Rose, decides to investigate further and so uncovers a huge cavernous area of the hospital where they discover the Sisters have been breeding humanoid stock in order to inflict them with every disease known to science so as to find cures for them.
 | The Face of Boe |
Horrified The Doctor confronts the Sisters not only about their experiments but also, because he has become aware of Rose's strange behaviour, to discover what they have done to his companion.
Cassandra reveals herself, traps The Doctor in one of the disease vats and then releases all of the other patients, who start a rampage throughout the hospital infecting all they come into contact with.
It is now a race against time for The Doctor to discover a cure, to free Rose from Cassandra’s influence and to bring The Sisters of Plenitude to justice.